Oodelah Loves Zebras!
We can provide manual therapy and skin care designed for diagnosed OR suspected cases of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and Hypermobile Spectrum disorders

Oodelah co-owner, LMT
Caelie Winchester
Caelie has advanced training in supportive manual therapy for chronic health issues, including EDS, hEDS, HSD, and connective tissue disorders. Having a connective tissue disorder herself, she understands how important it is to gently balance the body, soothe the autonomic nervous system, and look at the body as a whole.
You do not need to have an official diagnosis of EDS to receive care that is tailored the symptoms of EDS. Caelie believes that her clients are the ultimate experts on their bodies, and she believes them when they say they hurt. Every zebra is different, so each client will receive their own, unique treatment. If your session reveals that you need more complex care, Caelie is happy to give contacts and resources for health professionals in the area who are familiar with EDS/HDS/CTD. Having a healthcare team who listens and understands is crucial, as well as practitioners who are willing to collaborate on your care. Caelie can provide treatment notes and recommendations after your session to aid in coordinated care.
More services are coming!